Monday 15 October 2018

Bit of a tricky start!

So, here I am, attempting this thing they call blogging...

I feel like I need to introduce myself a little so I'll do my best, this is a little strange and I'm usually used to the wonderful platforms of social media where things are short, people are friends and pretty much most of the time posts just get forgotten. Anyway, babbling (I will do that a lot), who am I?

That question in its own right makes me think of the philosophical concepts of identity, but before I get caught in that thought, keep it simple as my friends say. I'm a nearly 40 year old bloke who lives in the South Wales Valleys, happily married, massive geek, hobbyist photographer and I'm also bipolar. Now all those things I've just mentioned will play a major part in this blog, as frankly, me getting older, my love for my wife, my geeky hobbies and my bipolar are very important in my life.

So, what do I say next?

Well maybe the reason why I'm trying to do this blogging thing might help. I like to put things down so I can read them again later, but also I have this little hope that sometimes someone will read it and find something of use. I very often talk about my condition, the dreaded bipolar as I have many friends who not only share my condition but also friends who understand and want to know more. So in honesty, this blog may well focus heavily on how I cope with living day by day but I didn't want it to be just about bipolar. See I figured out a long time ago that treating it as a separate entity to myself was actually giving it more control over me. At the end of the day, bipolar is as much a part of me as the stretch marks on my stomach (just realised I forgot to mention I am rather alarmingly overweight). Now where on earth was I going with this line of thought, ah yes, not being just about bipolar. I want this to cover my journey in life, so yes it'll play a large part but there are so many other things I can talk about, those geeky things in particular!

So this is an introduction to my blog, but also a statement of intent, I will keep this going, I will post as regularly as possible and I will share my life in the hope that people reading (if you do) can gain a little something from it. Whether its how I cope with bipolar or just a simple interest in things that I take part in, it doesn't matter. I'm doing this for me, because I feel that writing my thoughts down, sharing my adventures could help me better understand myself and perhaps help others understand me. It may even, at an outside chance of a million to one actually help someone else find an answer they've been seeking.

Oh and I know I put this in the description, but I'll mention it here, the blog name, inspired by a friends nickname for me. Started out as Tricky dicky, eventually got shortened to Tricky, I always felt it summed up how things were for me.

Anyway, that's where I'll end this for now, but after sitting here typing all this, I now understand why people blog, its refreshing and freeing, no little social media screen, just space to fill with my musings!


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